Getting ConTroll™

ConTroll is available via GitHub in the repository

Current Branch Structure

Master: The current ‘stable’ release branch

Test: The next branch to be released to master but still undergoing tests. This should not be use for production deployments.

<name>dev: A fast changing development branch. Commits to this branch may happen multiple times per day during active development periods. This is a good place to look for upcoming features, but not stable.

<convention> or <convention><number>: A branch that probably trails master used by a specific convention. It may, or may not, contain specific changes made by or for that convention.

Recommended Deployment Method

Whether or not you intend to make local changes to the code, it is recommended that you fork master and make your own repository. When you have code to contribute back you can make a pull request back to the original repository from that fork.

Please do not do any commits against branches directly in the ConTroll repository.